Diploma in Computer Application (DCA)
Course Code-RC002
Modules : Fundamental of Computer
Ms windows, whndows concept, features, desktop, start menu, my computer, recyclebin, keyboard shortcuts, windows accessories :(Notepad, WordPad MS Paint, Calculator.etc)
MS Office 2013
MS Word : Concept of word processing, introduction to MS word, features, keyboard shortcuts, editing & formatting documents, table, advance features of ms word, mail merge, macro
MS Excel : Worksheet basics, working with formulas and cell referencing auto sum formatting to worksheet, graphs and charts, functions, macro sorting, filtering.
MS Access : Concept of database, DBMS & RDBMS, table, sorting and filtering, relationship between tables, query, form, report macro, database security.
MS PowerPoint : Introduction, use of standard, formatting drawing toolbars, editing slides, changing templates, slide layouts, inserting clipart, sound and movies into slides, Assignment, project on data entry & editing work.
Fee Structure:
In Lumpsum Rs 3,600/-, in instalment Rs 1500+1500+1000=4,000/-
Duration : Six Months